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- T.H.U.R.S. #8
T.H.U.R.S. #8
Start now, Three macronutrients of happiness, Cascade Mountain!
Hola and welcome to The Summit, my biweekly newsletter where I share my unfiltered thoughts on navigating the peaks and valleys of adulthood.
My mission is to question everything, grow every day and have fun along the way. The Summit’s mission is to invite you to do the same.
Today: T.H.U.R.S. #8
Something light: Start before you are ready.
I follow the newsletter of another writer, Tim Denning. He recently wrote this:
You must start before you are ready.
If you wait until you’re completely ready, you will never start.
I have readers who have sat on the sidelines for weeks… months… and years while my following has grown from 0 to nearly 1 million followers across all platforms.
Why haven’t THEY started?
Because they “aren’t ready.”
You don’t have to be ready.
You just have to take the first step.
What do you think?
I think he is bang on the money. No one can ever be 100% ready. Sure, you should prepare as best you can, but nothing is more important than taking that first step (hitting send). I know I am still young, dumb and broke, (shoutout snoop) but in every job/endeavour I have taken on so far, I have learnt 95% of what I need to know, on the go.
Is this naive take? You tell me?
Something heavy: No regrets.
You should never regret a day in your life.
- The good days bring you happiness.
- The bad days give you experiences.
- The worst days teach you lessons.
- The best days give you memories.
I saw a post along these lines the other day and it really resonated with me. We all have regrets, whether it is the really embarrassing drunken speech you gave at your mate’s birthday 🤥, or the time you really let someone down. But if you can change your perspective (flipping the coin), you may be able to see each of these instances as experiences and lessons learned.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not denying the fact that many of these ‘regrets’ are awful, but you wouldn’t be where you are today without them - appreciate the lessons they teach.
My favourite thing I learnt this week: The macronutrients of happiness.
I briefly mentioned this podcast episode a couple weeks back (as recommended by Elliott):
There is a LOT to digest here. Arthur Brooks, the guest speaker and Harvard professor, is truly captivating! I will slowly unpack my favourite takeaways over the coming weeks but here is a quick one that I found valuable and practical:
The three macronutrients of happiness:
- Enjoyment
- Satisfaction
- Meaning
His main idea was that happiness requires a healthy balance between each of the three macronutrients. He explained that often times people will have a surplus in one or two areas but a significant deficit in the other (usually meaning).
To break it down a little further, Brooks said:
For enjoyment:
A simple formula to remember, is pleasure + people + memory = enjoyment.
If you are doing it alone, you are probably doing it wrong.
For satisfaction:
It can be defined as the struggle towards achievement (delayed gratification).
Wanting less and focusing more on what we already have (gratitude).
For meaning:
It is the “why” of your life – and can be the hardest to develop.
People who are not religious often struggle with this the most.
To work on finding meaning in your life (the why) Brooks recommends that everyone ask themselves two questions. I’ll hit you with them in the Reflect section 😎.
Something uplifting that I stumbled across and want to share: An outside perspective.
Admittedly, I saw this video while doom scrolling 😶🌫️, but I love the message and thought I’d share!
In summary:
An athlete won’t judge you for working out.
A millionaire won’t judge you for building a startup.
A creator won’t judge you for filming yourself.
A marathoner won’t judge you for running.
Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from!
Arthur Brooks’ critical questions:
❓️Why are you alive?
❓️ And, for what would you give your life happily right now?
💁♂️ I definitely have some thinking to do here! If you want to hear more about these questions and how he suggests tackling them, have a listen to the podcast at the 1:14 mark!
A challenge I set myself: Bald Eagle Peak
Like I wrote about on Tuesday, the challenge (failed) this week was to summit Bald Eagle Peak. If you want to know the story, I go into detail in my post, Should You Trust Your Gut?
The challenge this week: Summit Cascade
I find it funny and fitting that most of my weekly challenges are literally summits now - full circle moment ✨. For anyone who hasn’t head of Cascade Mountain, you may have heard of Banff, Canada, or even seen pictures of Banff like this:

Banff Ave
The big sexy mountain in the background - Cascade! From what I have heard, it can take anywhere between 6-12 hours to conquer this beast, and I can’t wait! Luckily, I have convinced a friend to go with me this time so if anything goes wrong (it won’t Grandma don’t worry) we’ll be in it together. This is the trail: 18.5kms and 1635 elevation gain 😁.
Before I go, I just wanted to remind myself why I write this last part: Summit. It is to encourage you and I to regularly Seek Discomfort! Because doing hard things and pushing our comfort zones is what allows us to grow - in all endeavours. What’s your challenge for the week?
Happy Thursday,
Gabe xo
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