Hola and welcome to The Summit, my weekly newsletter where I share my unfiltered thoughts on navigating the peaks and valleys of adulthood. From health and relationships to productivity and purpose, consider this newsletter a collection of naive wisdom from a 20-something year old summiting the mountain of life.


What do you think of the following activities?

  • Exercise.

  • Doing something you are bad at.

  • Small talk.

  • Public speaking.

  • Confrontation.

  • Job interviews.

  • Dating.

Fun, right 🤡? I am sure that most people would find at least one of these activities daunting, difficult or UNCOMFORTABLE. And today, my challenge is to convince you to pick one, and do it!

Everyone's heard the phrase, "Step outside your comfort zone" or the trendy challenge to “Seek Discomfort” (introduced by Yes Theory). But what does this really mean? And why should we bother?

The Science:

Well, there are countless reasons. But don’t take it from me, take it from one of my favourite podcasters, Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology (nerd alert 🤓). In his podcast episode, How to Increase Your Willpower & Tenacity, he explains a thing or two about our brain, specifically the Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably never heard of the Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex before but feel really smart just reading about (let me tell you, you feel even smarter name dropping it in a conversation). Let me break it down it for you.

The Anterior Mid-Cingulate cortex is that part of the brain that generates tenacity and willpower, and it can be developed when we choose to do things we are least likely to do or resist things we are most likely to do. 

Although it sounds fancy, it’s pretty simple, the muscle for willpower. And the only way to grow that muscle → doing things you don’t want to do.

But WHY?

“That sounds great Gabe, but do I really need to grow that muscle?”

Great question 😅!

I touched on some benefits in my article, Why Everyone Should Cold Plunge (a great form of discomfort btw), but I believe willpower is the backbone of resilience, grit, self-control and ultimately success.

For the gym bros, think of it like your core muscles. You’ll never be able to lift heavy without a strong core.

Still not a believer? How about:

  • A Confidence Boost: Conquering discomfort builds self-belief. You'll start seeing yourself as capable and resilient.

  • Learning and Growth: Stepping outside your comfort zone forces you to adapt, learn new skills, and develop a growth mindset.  

  • Unlocking Hidden Potential: You might discover talents and passions you never knew existed.

  • Dealing with Life’s Curveballs: Forcing yourself to deal with uncomfortable situations betters your ability to deal with the unexpected difficulties life throws at you.

Understanding the comfort zone:

Think of your comfort zone as a bubble where you feel safe and anxiety-free. It's like your favourite pair of comfy pants – they feel great, but you can't wear them everywhere.


  • Pick three activities: Make a list of three things that you'd really like to do that make you uncomfortable. Make a promise to yourself to slowly go through your list and complete the tasks. Note: if you are a confident public speaker, doing so does not count and will not grow your Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex 🤓.

  • Examples of what I have been doing lately:

    1. Being the ‘scribe’ in meetings: I have always had abysmal handwriting and subpar typing skills. These are limitations of mine that I have always felt quite insecure about. So whenever, I have the opportunity now, I raise my hand.

    2. Cold showers: Everyday 😎. And it never gets much easier.

    3. Go one more: This is a mantra I use when training. Whether, its running, cycling or gymming, I always strive to push that little bit further (it has to hurt to count).


  • Start Small: Try something slightly outside your comfort zone first.

  • Embrace Failure: It's okay to mess up - this can be uncomfortable in itself and should happen!

  • Set Realistic Goals: If it’s not your jam, the challenges don’t have to be physical. You can seek discomfort socially or mentally.

  • Find a Buddy: Having a partner in discomfort can make the process more enjoyable and supportive.

  • Reframe Discomfort as Opportunity/Growth: Instead of thinking "Ugh, this feels uncomfortable," try thinking "Ooh, I'm growing!". If you’re like my mum, you can call it seeking ‘growth’ instead 🙄 (apparently this sounds more appealing).

So, there you have it, SEEK DISCOMFORT. And remember, when you feel that familiar squirmy feeling, you're levelling up.

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As always, if you have any feedback, you can respond to this email! I’d love to hear what you think :)


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